i have a GTX560, a Intel Quad Core Q8400 overclocked 3.00 Ghz,MOBO Asus P5KPL-AM EPU DDR2 with 2 slots for rams and 4GB Ram. I think i might buy Far Cry 3 in Christmas and i was wondering if 6GB is a lot better for Far Cry 3 (it is the recommended RAM amount). Also i was wondering 6 GB Ram comes in 2 modules of 3 GBs or 1 module of 6GB. I can't find easy 6GBs and 8GBs Ram for a DDR2 MOBO. I found 2 modules of 4GBs and they cost 156 euroes!!!!!! WTF!!!!! I also found 1 4GB ram that costs 38 euros. If i buy 2 of those will they work right??
Thanks in advance!!
i have a GTX560, a Intel Quad Core Q8400 overclocked 3.00 Ghz,MOBO Asus P5KPL-AM EPU DDR2 with 2 slots for rams and 4GB Ram. I think i might buy Far Cry 3 in Christmas and i was wondering if 6GB is a lot better for Far Cry 3 (it is the recommended RAM amount). Also i was wondering 6 GB Ram comes in 2 modules of 3 GBs or 1 module of 6GB. I can't find easy 6GBs and 8GBs Ram for a DDR2 MOBO. I found 2 modules of 4GBs and they cost 156 euroes!!!!!! WTF!!!!! I also found 1 4GB ram that costs 38 euros. If i buy 2 of those will they work right??
Thanks in advance!!