Yes that is normal. I have the HD7950 and it gets the same performance. The r9 280 is just a rebrand of the HD7950. If you are having stuttering issues, lower the water details to medium, and set the v-sync to 1 frame, and also set the buffer to 1 frame for best perfromance. I don't run any anti alising either. You may also have to drop to very high instead of ultra on some settings as well.
Is R9 280 better than GTX 760??
My brother plays on 1080p with 760 2 GB of ultra (max out with AA and everything about 60-70 FPS). He also has an FX 8350, 8 GB 1866.
Ok. But how can he get 40-60 FPS without AA and my little brother gets 60-70 all the time with AA. It doesn't go under 55 never...
Also his CPU is better than my brother one. What resolution do you play HeadsetsIn2014 ?
Ok. But how can he get 40-60 FPS without AA and my little brother gets 60-70 all the time with AA. It doesn't go under 55 never...
Also his CPU is better than my brother one. What resolution do you play HeadsetsIn2014 ?