Far cry 4 resolution problem


Sep 3, 2014
I cannot change resolution in or outside of far cry 4. The game remains fixed at 1920x1080 resolution. It doesn't give different resolution options. The aspect ratio also stays from options - "Auto" - "16:9". It doesn't gives options like 4:3, etc.

I also tried to change resolution outside of game by going Documents>My Games>Far Cry 4>GamerProfile.xml and changed the resolutionX and Y to desired format, but after I launch it again, the game forcibly changes its resolution back to 1920x1080 resolution.

I need help to fix this. It is highly unplayable at 1920x1080 resolution.

My Laptop's specs:
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit.
RAM: 12 GB DDR3 (11.8 GB)
GPU: Intel HD 4600
CPU: Intel i7-4700MQ Quad Core 4th Generation.

My laptop's maximum supported resolution is also 1920x1080.

Please I need help. I want to change resolution to 800x600.

The only way you can display a resolution is if your monitor supports it.
Switch to window mode, or fixed window, and you should be able to set it to 800x600.

But again, you can't set resolution that isn't supported by the monitor. Your laptop probably doesn't have support for different resolutions.
don't go mad as you have probably done that did you save the gamerprofiler.xmp file or you can try hitting alt-enter when you launch it and see if it will force it into windowed mode, or try setting the resolution in the games shortcut, you add -width -height to the shortcut