'Far Cry 5' Is Set In Montana? We Take An Early Glimpse

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Hmmm...a violent leader leading a bunch of uneducated yokels who'll do / believe anything he says. Is the leader orange by any chance?

Thank you. I've been noticing an increase of it lately. It ruins the forum and needs to be put under control. There are plenty of places to discuss GRAPES (except there are guns in the FC series, heh).

Meanwhile back on topic, I am excited for this as one who spent a week on a hunting and fishing trip in Montana. It has it all: mountains, open grasslands, rivers, and woods. Not to mention extremes of weather where it's 90F+ in the summer and -25F in the winter. I consider this a welcome change up for the series. The South Pacific island theme has been worn out and they covered Africa and Tibet.

Well a buffalo would be a more realistic option for something cool to ride in that area. But regarding engaging, remember your character "volunteered" to go there and stir the hornet's nest. The FBI wouldn't go near them for good reason. There are some battles you just don't want to pick.
"According to Hay, the reason behind the choice of Montana for Far Cry 5 was due to current events, and the looming fear of the end of the world."

It seems like this game already violates the GRAPES policy.
Far Cry from most players in China, Korea, India, Africa, Middle East, Australia, South America.

Far cry from reality.

Far Cry from Germany.
The ONLY games I really liked in the series was FC1 and FC3 (though I never tried Primal). FC4 went too crazy and had too many issues, and as for FC5 I doubt I'd be interested. I can't really picture how the animals (including sharks), terrain, gliding in FC3 would translate.

To me FC5 would be too removed from what I want in a FC game. Maybe the point is to try something different but to me it would be a different game or at best "Far Cry Lite"; though maybe they'll have some Zombie DLC to make it more interesting (I'm almost joking.. ).
So, they're taking a HUGE risk. The 1st and 3rd installments were the best imo. Far Cry 4 fell off the realism/ fantasy knife's edge and had too much of a staged video game feel. Going through the motions... It wasn't engaging as it's predecessor. I feel they are testing new waters, hoping to breath new life into the franchise, that is still within Far Cry's "feel". Only time will tell if this risk pans out or not.

A game set in america that has guns in it
lead by a religious leader
developed by a publisher who has how many studios well known for their politics

yea... for every single article on this game, you may as well just disable forum comments, ever watch die hard 3? if you did you know the scene im talking about, imagine any articles with this game as bruce willis, you may not want the comments but you are going to get them...

Personally, this game requires them to have a crap ton of hostages, as there is no way in hell I can suspend disbelief with this setting alone like I could on an island, in the middle of 'we have warlords' africa, or a country with an ongoing civil war.
Absolutely love the FC series. Played every one thorougly (every single treasure chest!) multiple times except for Primal, which I started but have not continued.

I'd rather they had chosen an urban area than rural, island, or mountainous. How about hiding in plain sight in NYC?
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