Farcry 3 FPS Issues

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Feb 22, 2013
Hello, I recently bought a amd 6950 and overclocked to 6970 and have been having issues with Farcry 3. The problem is that my FPS stays around 12 even at the main menu. I doubt it would be my computer hardware since I am able to run Battlefield 3 maxed out at 60 FPS.
If there is any reason for this i would like to know it. My specs are:
I5-2500k @4.2GHz
2TB hardrive
XFX 6950 unlocked to 6970
16GB G.skill ram
Don't even compare such "optimized-for-low-level-hardware" games as Butthurtfilled 3 and Far Cry 3.
Butthurtfilled 3 can run at 55~60 FPS on low settings even with GTX 550 Ti (THE most weakest Nvidia card at the current time). IN MULTIPLAYER.
Besides, Far Cry 3's waaay too fresh of a game, much fresher than Butthurtfilled 3.
You have a very solid build but your GPU's too old for such games as Far Cry 3 nonetheless. Really, the only thing you should upgrade in your build, is GPU.

Just get a newer card of "HD 7870~7950" level (or, of course, higher), and you'll see major boost in performance.


Remind me...does Far Cry 3 utilize PhysX? Maybe that's the case.
You probably turned PhysX ON, and since Radeons don't support PhysX by default, you might've got severe FPS drop solely because of that.
You can HPX Radeons just fine (a cheap GT 640 would be more than enough...or you can use your GTX 560, if you still have it), but by default Radeons don't have PhysX at all, thus switching CPU-calculated PhysX will turn into massive FPS drop at the end. That might be your case exactly...if Far Cry 3 has PhysX settings, try turning them off and see if you get FPS boost. If not, then it's either that PhysX is hard-coded in the game (some games has that), or you really need to upgrade your GPU to a "787x+"-level card.
The main thing that is making it seem like this isnt hardware is that i wasnt trying to max out my game and is always locking around 12 fps even on lowest. It doesnt change if i hire the settings its just always the same.
To OP - What is your resolution?
If you had better FPS with the 560 this is probably a driver problem since you moved from Nvidia to AMD, try to uninstall all drivers, run a driver cleaner program and reinstall the latest 6950 drivers. Also try to run the 6950 first with default clocks.

Ugh...how about installing some drivers/updating them?
[strike]Or are you using Virtu in i-mode, by any chance? 😵[/strike] Naaah, that can't be the case...

Bigcyco: Make up your mind already, man! %)
+1 i agree
Yeah, man...looks like the only option left for you is to do as I suggested in the first post. Get yourself a better/fresher Radeon card of at least "7870" level.
Far Cry 3 isn't that kind of a game to be "optimized enough" to be friendly with GPUs of older generations, on old tech-process.
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