michael219 :
Well, every time I open a game when it starts it lags 5- 10 seconds ( Is that normal?) like its loading, next I get a 5.9 on windows index and all my other specs are 7.6-7.9 and I get 75 fps (maxed out with v sync) on warface yet I still get stutters from a 3 fps drop!
Please see my thread on this issue, im killing myself over it... http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2236942/warface-games-stutter-issue-read-270.html
It depends on the game, but most of them for me take about five to ten seconds to load, yes. Bear in mind that it's not just reading information off the drive, but setting up all the auxiliary programs it needs to function, loading everything into the RAM, and so forth and so on.
As for the windows index, you know that it's utter BS, right? You should not put any stock into it whatsoever. That being said, of course you don't get the highest score - windows knows that SSDs exist.
Now... an SSD is not the solution to your problem. It's pointless to put games on an SSD because it doesn't improve framerates one bit; the ONLY thing that it's going to change is making loading screens slightly faster... and that's not really worth it.
SSDs are lovely to
have, because putting the operating system on them makes them feel snappy and responsive, but your issue is not coming from your hard drive.
Look at your system when this happens. Either your CPU is overheating and throttling down to the point where it can't do anything, or you have a serious issue with your graphics drivers, or your power supply is failing. Those are the three most likely options, and given that you're using a power supply shaped object, not a power supply, my money is on the last one.
Note that it is not that the power supply is "too small", rather that it's a bad power supply that likely isn't doing its job right.
And just again, I'm going to state this: Your hard drive is not to fault for the stuttering.