Can anyone tell me which configuration would yield better performance for a system that is used for web surfing, gaming and occasional playing around in Photoshop with smaller sized files? I also multitask quite a bit too. I have a 1 gig tbird on a Soyo SY-K7VTA-B with a WD 400bb 20 gig/platter hd on win2k. I currently have a 128mb. CAS 2 PC 133 dimm installed running at 133 mhz. I have an extra 64mb. Corsair PC133 CAS 3 dimm laying around which if installed would force me to run my ram at CAS 3 instead of the CAS 2 its currently running at. Is the extra 64mb. worth the CAS 3? Currently my available ram is around 20000 and the System Cache is around 55000 which are typical numbers for me. Thanks for you help.