Fastest 1TB Harddrive for under $100

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Jan 22, 2012
Looking to upgrade my harddrive I have a 500gb Western Digital Caviar its around 2 years old and its either going bad or I just never realized how slow it was till attempting to load Battlefield 3.
My system specs are

AMD 910 x4
16gb 1333mhz DDR3
MSI 870-g45 Mobo
Xfx 6850 1GB

it seems to take nearly 5 mins to load in between maps and my windows score is 5.3 for hard disk so im guessing its my Harddrive can anyone please recommend a fast reliable harddrive for under $100.
The WD Cavier Black, Samsung Spinpoint F3 and Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 are all very close in terms of performance.

The bad news is because of the recent flooding in Thailand prices are still almost double what they were last year at their lows. Prices will probably stay high for a few more months. So you are looking at $150 or higher for a fast 1TB drive where the Spinpoint used to be the best deal at $69.

The Windows score will never be higher than 5.9 for any mechanical hard drive. You need an SSD to score higher. My OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD scores 7.7

I would probably wait a couple of months but if you really have to have a new drive right now go with whatever is cheaper from the ones I listed above.

Deleted member 217926

The WD Cavier Black, Samsung Spinpoint F3 and Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 are all very close in terms of performance.

The bad news is because of the recent flooding in Thailand prices are still almost double what they were last year at their lows. Prices will probably stay high for a few more months. So you are looking at $150 or higher for a fast 1TB drive where the Spinpoint used to be the best deal at $69.

The Windows score will never be higher than 5.9 for any mechanical hard drive. You need an SSD to score higher. My OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD scores 7.7

I would probably wait a couple of months but if you really have to have a new drive right now go with whatever is cheaper from the ones I listed above.
Above posts were not there so deleted my orignal post.
Concur about waiting for the prices to drop from out of the clouds.
You might want to consider a SSD. A mid level 120/128 gig SSD is Not much more than a Good HDD and the SSD will blow the doors off of a HDD interms of OS and Program Load times. To improve map loads, the maps will need to be on the SSD, hense a 120/128 gig drive.


Jan 22, 2012

thanks for the input really appreciate it and will probably look into a SSD.

Deleted member 217926


Even the 500GB drives are $129...


Feb 24, 2011
I was shocked when I recently looked at prices, thinking I may have to replace my hdd I got a year ago. I think I paid $50 for my seagate barracuda 7200.12 500gb 16mb sata... SSD would probably be the way to go in the coming months, I'd wait a bit.
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