Question Faulty LCD Display?

May 1, 2019
Hi everyone,

A few months back, I received a used monitor for my day-to-day home office work (LG M2380A). when I started using it, all colors where somewhat tinted pink, and after a while, I started losing part of the video, as shown below:



After a long while (about 5-10 mins), the image came back to normal and I could start using the monitor again. But recently this has stopped, and now my screen looks like this all the time.

Is this a faulty LCD screen issue? The screen model is LM230WF5. I can purchase and replace a spare screen, but I want to confirm that this is the solution. This keeps happenning even without any video signals connected.

Thanks in advance for the response,

Looks like the green channel is gone, but that could actually be a faulty cable.....unless, as you said, you are not using a video input signal, in which case, it's likely a fault in the monitor.

Time to drag the soldering iron out and open it up.....