chugot9218 :
It is important to note that it is the Republicans blatantly lying to the public, enough of this false equivalency. For gods sake they created a whole presidential convention around an intentionally misquoted sentence by Obama. Since "you can keep your doctor" is the obvious rebuttal here, Obama did not make that statement to deceive, Republican amendments and the refusal to accept (for intents and purposes, free) money from the Medicaid expansion, purely on so called principal (which conveniently fall to the wayside once they are in power, deficits anyone???) caused that to be false. Hypocrisy of the highest order.
Your comment is heavily politically biased and from a viewpoint of someone trying to rationalize the situation as to not be on the losing side of an arguement. The fact is, the ACA was always going to pay out less to doctors, this was known before it went into effect. This, in effect, creates smaller networks of doctors within your plan level. This is all based on the basic economics of health insurance, nothing the republican's amended or defunded was going to change the payout dollar amount to doctors, that price was figured out before it passed through congress. Many doctors decided not to accept insurance from the ACA plans due to the low payout, the networks ended up being even smaller than originally thought. Some doctors decided to group up to help share the ancillary costs of billing, scheduling, paperwork etc.... So instead of having 1-3 doctors at an office, my old doctors office switched to having over 8 doctors, and service went downhill alot, with zero personal attention. They can't even remember me, or my name without looking at their computer. Luckily I have insurance through my company, and opted to supplement it with a health savings plan. Now I go to a new doctors office with 2 doctors, that can actually schedule me within a reasonable amount of time, and know me everytime I visit. But from an unbiased and objective standpoint, I do believe it was a bald faced lie. Also, part of it you didn't mention was also "you can keep your plan" which was also not true. It was known, since before the ACA passed into law, that all health plans would have to have certain minimum requirements, like yearly doctors visits, certain tests, and other coverage etc.... So people on lower plans, without those ala-carte options, wouldn't be able to keep their plans. That had nothing to do with republicans and was well known and argued, which is why Obama had to make that statement, which was also a bald faced lie. So I hope you caught a glimpse that Obama was just another politician, the same as the rest of them. Democrats and Republican's are all dirty liars, even Hillary is corrupt, just look at how she did Bernie Sanders dirty. She rigged the DNC in her favor. She's just much better at making people think she's a good person. I don't blame people for saying "I voted for the lesser of two evils" because that's what it feels like to vote for politicians.
The only thing Republicans affected are the viability of the exchanges, the risk to insurance carriers by defunding the fallback insurance for the insurance companies if a plan provider failed(Risk Corridors). This created less competition and perhaps increased insurance premiums and deductibles, even though they were going up anyways due to the lack of profits in the first few years of the ACA. They also I believe are removing the individual mandate, which will affect the insurance premiums again, however, this mandate was never enforced before anyways. There was even an opt-out checkbox on your tax paperwork that allows you to opt-out of the individual mandate due to "financial burden" which was very vague so it was meant to be unenforced. In any case, they never got enough young and healthy people to sign up for the exchanges to offset the older and sick patients. Many of the co-ops failed because of this, and having more risk corridor funds to help them mitigate the risk of staying on the exchanges wasn't go to help them stay. They're in business to make money, so until they can significantly offset the sick people with healthy people, they'll stay out. The ratio of enrollees have to add up before they'll come back to the exchanges. The only way to do that is to FORCE young and healthy individuals to sign up for $100-$150/month plans. And it has to be heavily enforced.