sykozis :
The Gov't has had their hand in your landline phone service since at least the 30's. Where exactly have you lost out in that deal?
With Health care reform. Prior to "Obamacare", health insurance companies were allowed to pick and choose who they covered, based on applicants' medical history. Ever had cancer? You can't get coverage. Epileptic? You can't get coverage. Bi-Polar? You can't get coverage. That's what MILLIONS of people were facing. Any disease that couldn't be cured with a 7-14 day antibiotic treatment was an automatic dis-qualifier for health insurance. Every year, the number of people that could get health insurance was dropping by the millions. What good is health insurance, if the provider drops coverage for people who actually need it? Something had to change but that has always been the 1 item nobody was willing to touch. Coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. We were the ones that NEEDED the coverage, and the reform. We're always the ones that everyone wants to screw over, until they end up in the group. My insurance rates are now lower and the insurance companies have no choice but to cover me. Exactly how insurance should work.
you're obviously too young to remember - it wasn't till the phone industry was DEREGULATED that rates came down - when it was Ma Bell (ATT) and only ATT across the country, we all had high phone rates - it cost me $2.50 a minute to call europe, now it's 10 cents. We didn't have $29.99 "all you can talk" phone service, now we do - it was de-regulation and competition that brought it down.
you're falling for the logic the idiot liberal elites push that gov't is good - look at the post office and how poor the svc is, or the IRS - wait till you're audited and you find out an idiot that can't add, but has been taught how to screw with you to get you to surrender and just pay the fines hee/she has decided to levy so he/she can maker their audit goal.
wait till they're thru - comcast, verizon, twc will all be merged, " in the interests of the public"
i agree rates are not what i'd like, don't think i'm defending the ISPs, i'm not, but again think for a minute - they gave obamacare the name "Affordable health care" and it's been anything but. This has been historically the trick in gov't - give something a really beneficial sounding name to help sell it, even if that name is the exact opposite of what it will be.
Didn't it bother anybody that the FCC chairman, former CEO of comcast btw, would not release what the proposed rules were BEFORE THE VOTE? call me old fashioned, but i kind of like open debates, but wait, that's right, this is the self proclaimed "most transparent administration" in history. Just saying something doesn't make it so