As a US citizen paying $70/mo for 1mbps DSL (Windstream) that doesn't work evenings, weekends, holidays, business days, rainy days, sunny days, cloudy days, hot days or cold days, I hope this ruling is a gateway to the development of nationwide broadband. The US rolled its sleeves up and ensured Americans had access to telephones and electrical power... now it's time to ensure Americans have access to the Internet. It's too valuable a resource for education, entertainment, and commerce (a typical web-page is now 3MB+ and a 220MB Windows update takes more than an hour of uninterrupted download - only possible during off-hours and nothing else can be done simultaneously, even browsing the web).
I don't care /how/ it gets done, but it is important that quality Internet services be made available to all Americans. And subsidies for ISPs with horrid track records need to end TODAY. If Verizon, for example, promised to wire 100% of NYC with FIOS in exchange for a sweetheart franchise agreement, don't let them off the hook! Put their nuts in a vice for the sake of the citizenry that's getting abused.