Feasible streaming/media/game server build?


Jan 27, 2014
I was hoping for some feedback on a build I've been thinking about making when I'm a little more flush. The PC would be used for playing media to our TV in the living room, where it would live, and I was hoping to use it for streaming, maybe a minecraft server as well. Does this seem like a viable build? Could I manage, 60fps, 1080p from my main PC to this (Wireless N-duel band)?


Design choices:
-CPU: 6 cores with a good price, extra cores used for server and multitasking while streaming
-CPU Cooler: Aftermarket cooler to keep things a little more quiet in the living room
-Motherboard: Cheap board does everything I need
-Memory: Cheapest single 8GB stick I could find which should leave plenty of slots open
+SSD: Cheap 120GB boot drive
+HDD: Cheap mass storage
-Video card: low power card that should be just fine for managing streaming and very light gaming
-Case: Cheap and small case with an included PSU

Thoughts? $550 is basically my price limit, I'll likely hold off on buying the HDD to start and pick it up after the build is complete.

Thanks for your input! :)

If it is only related to wireless Streaming, then you should better hover yourself to network components more then your Computer components. A nice video card is needed when you are connecting your CPU directly to some TV or a Monitor.
For CPU you can opt any with some decent embedded graphics to run your ongoing application smooth.
I will come up with some better rig for you soon if it is fine with you...:

I'd like to see what system you had in mind, if it's easy to bring up.