"Only until you open the file"
Not what Schrödinger's Cat is about; it is just a thought experiment showing the two possible states of quantum stuff.
not to quibble... but it's not a "thought experiment." it's an analogy used to explain a characteristic of quantum particles..." see... quantum level particles have a very interesting characteristic. That is they BEHAVE like they have multiple contradictory traits. Lets say particle x (pX) is behaving like it is both the color red and the color blue. So scientist "look" at pX to see what color it actually is. At the moment they "look" at it, it becomes blue, and all pX stop behaving like they might be both red and blue at the same moment. Instead they now all behave like they've been blue all the time. If you reset the experiment, and stop observing pX, and use new pX, they'll behave like they're red and blue again. Only this time when you look at pX it will become "red" and it will behave like it's been red the whole time.
Shrodinger's cat is a way to explain this phenomenon to people without a scientific background. In essence the cat in the box with the vial of cyanide which has a 50% chance of breaking and killing the cat, is both alive and dead up until the moment you open the box. Until that moment of observation it has all the qualities of both alive and dead... the cat is present, the cyanide is present, the vial is present and the box is present. Those 4 things will be there every time you run the experiment. So the cat will have a state of "alive" and "dead" at the same time. When you observe it, the question is solved. Unfortunately it's not solved for the next box with the same setup.
I probably wasted my time typing it, as you likely know all this... but the phrase "thought experiment" was so wrong for what it is... I couldn't help myself
"One of the prominent new features loaded into Fedora 19 is Developer's Assistant, a tool suitable for beginners or seasoned developers for initiating code projects with language-specific templates, samples, and toolchains."
Wish I had this when I was in school. I can't believe I used notepad to code.