Feedback on this Gateway laptop????

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Tbh, my mom has had a Gateway with an i5 for about two years now. It's worked wonderfully, even though she treats it horribly. The only downside is that it got really dirty quickly, but some cleaning should fix that.
I know brands can change over time; getting better quality components here or there - or the other way around too. This old lenovo i got was a cheapie back when i got it (2010), but man would i absolutely love to have the same luck with my next one!!
Recently i helped my neighbor in getting a new laptop and went with a lenovo b590. I don't like it. Feels cheap. I wouldn't get that one for myself now that i have spent time with it.
I guess that's where actually going to a store and checking them out would help.
Anyway, if anyone else would give their experience in the last year or so with Gateway that would be great. I noticed the particular model has not had a review done by anyone that i could find online (other than a few customer feedback)
Tbh, my mom has had a Gateway with an i5 for about two years now. It's worked wonderfully, even though she treats it horribly. The only downside is that it got really dirty quickly, but some cleaning should fix that.
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