Feel like I should be getting more performance?


Dec 13, 2014
Hey guys so I recently upgraded to and fx 8350 from an athlon 760k and bought a new mobo with it as well don't know the name ATM. But I feel like I should be getting more performance originally I was having some stuttering issues where it turned out the motherboard vrm was overheating I also flashed my bios to the most current version to help with the stability of the CPU. So to fix the overheating I pointed a case fan towards it this seemed to help. But is it possible there still getting to hot and it's effecting performance? Even if it's not causing my CPU to completely underclock itself like before? My freiends system is like half the power of mine and I only seem to get about 10-20 more frames then him in the same games at the same settings. He has half of everything I have he has a quad core and apu 8gb ram (I have 16) and he has a 970 2gb vram (I have a 1050ti with 4gb vram) I know I can buy there for the overheating vrm https://m.newegg.com/products/N82E16835708011 but only want to buy it if that's 100% the problem still

Thanks for the read and the help
I can tell you that the 970 is a more powerful card than the 1050ti, so that might account for you system not performing as well as you would like... You out to plop his 970 into your system and see if that makes a difference, just for fun! :)