Few HQ processors - Comparing heating performance ..

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Feb 12, 2017

Below are some laptops with i7 HQ processors ... (TDP is 45 W for all)

HP bc008tx
Dell Inspiron 7560
Asus ROG gl552vw
Msi gl62 7qf
Dell Inspiron 7559

Can anyone compare the heating performance of these laptops, and the actual cooling solutions employed.


Had already done that, before writing the above question.
And had some minor idea from all that but nothing substantial.
Had read the specs of each without getting definite answers.
Had talked to individual vendors, but vendor opinions are not necessarily impartial / informed / nonmotivated by sales.

Reason of posting the question here -> Sometimes there could be someone on the forum who has similar interests and have an informed understanding of the thing. So besides searching on internet and youtube, this question was another attempt to elicit a better understanding.

And also, its not exactly 5-10 reviews as you have mentioned .... 5 laptops are mentioned above, all of similar configuration, in similar range .... so there was a probability, that someone who is interested in such stuff could be aware of the particular comparison (heating issues + cooling solution) amongst these.

The question is not to delegate the responsibility of eliciting this understanding to someone else, but to see if someone who probably has keen interest in such things, or is already aware of it through experience or otherwise, could throw some light.

Thanks and Regards.

Thank you Jeff for the pointer !


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