Few questions about my build.


Jun 29, 2014
So I am building myself "gaming" PC.
CPU - AMD Athlon II X2 340
GPU - VC GAINWARD nVidia GeForce GT730, PCI-e, 1Gb DDR3/64bit
Cooler - LC POWER LC-CC-97
Power Supply - AKYGA AK-B1-600 Basic 600W
Mother Board - ECS A55F2-M3
Case - ATX Gamer Akyga AKY003BL
RAM - Adata DDR3 4GB 1600MHz
HDD- Toshiba DT01ACA100 1TB 3.5"
1ST QUESTION : Will it all go together?
2ND QUESTION : Will it all fit in my case - ATX Gamer Akyga AKY003BL
3RD QUESTION : What DVD/RW could I get for his build?
4TH QUESTION: Do I need some specific sound card or any?
5TH QUESTION: What cables would I need to connect everything?
Answer #1 - Yes
Answer #2 - It should
Answer #3 - Whatever is the cheapest
Answer #4 - The built in sound card on the MB is fine, unless you are wanting to buy one
Answer #5 - Cables?