Right, you realize that higher transfer rates make a grand total of zero difference when feeding data to a monitor right? A dual link DVI can feed 60Hz monitors at 2560x1600, and HDMI 1.3 is rated for 2560x1600@75Hz with HDMI 2.0 offering support for 4k monitors at 60Hz.
The primary purpose of those optical cables it to get around the HDMI length restrictions so that you could run an HDMI cable from a media system in the basement up to a media room on the third floor across the house, they serve no purpose when connecting to a monitor 6 feet away because a display port cable will give you significantly better data transfer rates with less overhead on either end.
Also have you seen the prices on those cables? Rough estimate puts a zero foot cable still in excess of $100, stick with a normal $10 cable and stop buying into the monster cable FUD.