FiC 2013 motherboard


Apr 11, 2010
This may sound crazy but I ahve an old CTX computer with a M5ALA motherboard and old AMD K6-2 CPU. Some time ago AMD said that the FIC 2013 motherboard could be exchjanged and an AMD K6-III 550mhz CPU installed. I sued it to play some of the older games. Does anyone have any directions on how the connections are to be made.

Get the manual:

Unzip the manual and open Chapter 2, labeled PA-2013A0FuCh2.pdf, with Adobe Acrobat.

Go to page 17 and set the jumpers to match the 100 MHz bus speed setting from the top chart.

Set the 5.5x multiplier settings from the second chart on Page 17

Your processor has the VOLTAGE stamped on its lid, set the appropriate jumpers using the chart on Page 20. The missing settings from that chart are 2.3V (Jumpers on 1-2 and 3-4) and 2.4V (Jumper on 5-6 only), but it's OK to use the next-higher voltage if those don't work for you.

Now your board is set for the CPU. If you don't know how to install and remove a processor, please ignore the information above and contact your service professional.
Thanks for the help. I still haven't had a chance to get back into the computer, but expect too over the next couple of weeks. If I run into any unsolved issues I will be sure to get back with more questions.