Question file association has become buggy or corrupted

Mar 22, 2019
just happened today - when I want to choose a new file association to open a file such as a jpg or mp3 - I right click with mouse - scroll to open with - then choose default program - I then get this error message -

I have 4 or 5 possible programs I can open it with manually - but before this error happened I could always choose a default program without this error - is it possible I could have accidentally stopped on of the required running services ? and which one could it be ?
Often times when you see that error, it's due to a corruption in the OS. You should backup all critical content and then reinstall your OS. Might I ask which BIOS version you're currently on for your platform(assuming this is a desktop and not a laptop)?
Often times when you see that error, it's due to a corruption in the OS. You should backup all critical content and then reinstall your OS. Might I ask which BIOS version you're currently on for your platform(assuming this is a desktop and not a laptop)?
the bios is UEFI Dell Inspiron A12, 5/31/2018.

Also some of my usb pendrive have become unrecognizable which still work in other pcs. I will open a new category for this.