file associations


Jun 12, 2001

My kids have been messing with one of the computers on my home LAN. The computer is using WIN98 SE when I go into Network neighbourhood and click on Entire network a message pops up saying `windows cannot find UNREAL.exe' This program is needed for opening files of type 'File'

Now Unreal was deleted ages ago and the LAN's been working OK since so somehow the programs associations have been changed. I've looked under My computer >File>Folder Options but can't see any reference to 'File' or 'Unreal' Unreal Tourney is there but that's all OK association wise.

I'm stuck....HELP please
first this first backup the reg (user.dat + system.dat) and then Start>Run and type regedit. In regedit goto Edit>Find and type in "unreal.exe" in the box. when the system find the association (somewhere in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT section) delete the entry. The retry if it doesn't work copy your backup's of the reg file over the edited ones.

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