File Explorer (a.k.a "This PC") - [Videos Folder] Gone Missing


Aug 15, 2018
Hi guys,

So I am having a bit of an issue here with my Windows 10 Operating System. Before we go on any further, just for your information, my Windows Build version is 1803 just so you don't confuse me with your instructions if your OS looks slightly different on an older Windows 10 version.

Anyways back to my question.

So I am having this very weird situation where I have successfully transfer most of my stuff from my original administrator account to a second account because my start menu was not working. I can only right-click which is pretty annoying.

In my File Explorer or "This PC" if you want to call it, is missing a Videos Folder.
My Videos Folder is currently stuck in my Microsoft OneDrive LOCATED in my 2TB Storage S:

That is where all of my videos that I recently downloaded and recorded are there.

Right now, in the top tier tree of "This PC" where I see this as shown in the link to the image below

is missing the Videos Folder. I would like some help recovering or adding a videos folder. There is not even an option to

*Right-Click* > New > Folder

to create a new folder. As shown in the link below.

Any help help recovering this Videos folder would be much appreciated. I f*ck*ng hate when Windows always create some form of problems to the operating systems when it is just operating fine then after a few clicks here and there and suddenly something in the OS does not work like dafuq?
Pics you posted don't work.

try right click>properties for the videos file in onedrive. might be a tab that says location where you can move it to your original location. there should be a restore default button you can click.

if not...

sounds like you may have some underlying issues that a new account cant solve. Try a repair install of windows 10. Use a blank USB to and create an installer with the Windows 10 tool here:

once created, open it up in within windows (not bootable). continue through prompts until you reach the spot where they ask you what to keep. There is an option to keep apps and user files. this will keep your stuff in tact and repair install windows.

i did this two weeks ago to repair a clients machine. it was quick, very successful, non invasive and turned it out like a new machine.

P.S. you should always backup your stuff anyway.

In my case, this one does not have a "Location Folders"