File on D: drive


Feb 2, 2013
This is a HTTP: picture of my D: drive with some type of System file on it


Sorry about the link, Toms Hardware is still being a glitch

So here is my computer D drive which I'm trying to delete and put onto the C: drive because I've run out of memory so im backing everything on the c drive before i delete it but ive found this weird file that windows won't let me edit or view I've searched it up but it just seems like some randomly generated name which is strange to see so much coding files on a drive that isn't C: so what should i do with it, should I just move it? if so to what location or not delete the partition on my drive at all?
Mainly it contains Windows 7 System Files, so are you saying that it's ok to make a copy of the file and put it wherever on the C: Drive then delete it on the D: drive?

Have you tried running disk cleanup ?
It can get rid of unused files left by Microsoft Windows over the years
and make a lot of extra free space
(eg that left by backup copy of Windows.old when SP1 for Windows 7 was installed)

The folder on D: is probably a result of a [MS} update or service pack keeping a backup copy of old version of software which has been upgraded.

Alternatively you could try using Parted Magic 's File manager to delete the file (Windows file permissions will be ignored)

or alternatively

use gparted (Partition Manager) to make d: much smaller by moving start of partition d: toward end of disk and move end of C: into free space left.

Finally it is possible to move most of Users folders from C: to D:


Mike Barnes
No, the D: drive has never been used for the operating System, in fact I think I may bought my computer with the file still in D: but it is possible i hadn't noticed it and the computer did a Windows update and used D: as a backup file, if this the case then would it be completly fine to delete it?

So are you saying that the file is a result of a MS update, if so do you mean just a windows 7 update or a whole computer software update, like from Windows XP to Windows 7? as I bought the computer with Windows 7 Pre-Installed. If though it is a simple security update for Windows 7 is it wise to delete it?