Files not saving correctly, files not appearing on computer


Dec 20, 2016

I have a really weird problem, which I have come accross a few months ago the first time. At the time I thought it was just a minor problem with a third party tool (an editor for a game, don't remember which one). However, it has appeared again with another editor tool for a game (an editor for WWE 2k16 to be exactly). I am not quite sure how to explain it, so that you know exactly what I mean. But I'll try:

Sometimes in third party utilities/editor when I try to save a file (txt files, pac files, etc. etc., most anything), it always confirms that the file is saved correctly. But when I go take a look at the exact location, doesn't matter on which drive or folder I save it, it is not actually there. Nowhere to be found. I have "show hidden files & folders", so that's not it. But when I open the said utility or editor again (most any other tools that looks at your pc) it does show the files being there. How is this possible?

Basically this means, my pc explorer doesn't see the files, but when using third party utilities, they are still there. Although the computer doesn't recognise anything is there, I also checked in CMD.

The problem is that I can't actually save things with certain tools, it isn't with everything, because things like office, and normal way of creating files and text files do work.

I checked it with another PC to see if using those editors that have the said problem work fine on there, it does. There the files do save correctly & and are being shown on my pc.

It's like files are magically disappearing after saving -- even if the tool thinks the file is being saved correctly, but some tools think the files are there. But I can't access it at all. I ruled out any virus or adware, scanned my computer completely and everything is clean. It must be somekind of configuration issue?
Ok, things are even worse than I imagined. I just tried installing a program (which I had installed before, but uninstalled). It says that the installation went ok, and I also clicked on create shortcut. But it never creates the shortcut, but at the end if it asks you to start the program, it can start. But the installed folder is nowhere to be found... except, you guessed it, if I used any third party tool to look into the files and folders.

I am totally lost now. The folder is there, but it isn't. It's hidden, disappeared, I don't know why.

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