Final Fantasy: XV Discussion


Mar 16, 2013
Hello everyone.

As Square Enix brings forth their next best game, FFXV, I believe it to be necessary to talk about, the Graphics of the game.

My main thoughts are:

-WOW, first of all
-How can such detail be rendered on even a console?
-What you guys think about the gameplay and graphics
-What do you think other game companies can learn from SE?

I had recently seen the Hatsune Miku animation that was apparently "real time," and which I refused to be true. However after seeing the gameplay for FFXV I was convinced.

Hastune Miku:

Graphics wise it looks absolutely great, it's hard to deny that. Do keep in mind it's easier to optimize a game on a given hardware (consoles) so it's no wonder how next-gen consoles can render it.

I've been hyped to the game as soon as I saw the first trailer circa 8 years. Sure 8 years is a lot but I'm glad they scrapped the PS3 build and started again on next gen consoles.

Gameplay wise I hope it will be solid, what we've seen so far is kinda a mixed KingdomHearts style gameplay, which is good. I'm already sold on the visuals (and the name itself, been a fan of the series since the PS1 era, have all the numbered releases from FF6 to 13). Im pretty sure the story will deliver, music will be epic as usual.

Do keep in mind the director is NOT the same.
Hajime Tabata was the director of FF Crisis Core and FF Type 0 and they both received pretty good reception, it would be dumb to say FF XV will suck because 13 was bad.

The FF story team has been in a decline for many years. I haven't heard "good things" about FF in a long time.

Maybe you are not reading gaming related articles? For example look at FF 14 ARR, folks actually love it.

I totally agree. I haven't been much of a Final Fantasy Guy, but FFXIV: ARR really got me into it since I've been playing WoW and other MMO's recently. It felt like what "Smite" should have been, game play / fighting style wise, except in MMORPG form. And unlike WoW, when I get into a busy area or into a battle with multiple people, it kept the performance up, even with High settings on a 3570k + GTX 770. :3