Final spec for pc


Aug 22, 2014
The spec - if you are wondering why I sliced the budget since the last its to get a headset, keyboard and games.

GPU: gigabyte gtx 970

CPU: i7 4790k

Motherboard: Asus maximus ranger vii

Ram: 8gb HyperX beast ram dual channel

PSU: cooler master gm750

Kingston ssd 128

1tb western digital

will it still do ultra?

if you responded

Its appreciated

PSU is NOT good. Change it for an Antec, XFX, Seasonic. 650w is more than enough here unless you plan to SLI soon.

If this is for gaming, get an i5 not an i7.
It does not affect performance.

The PSU is the single most important part of a PC. It is the only life of defense if there is a power surge or outage. A cheap unit with poor protection will not prevent the computer from being fried in one of these events, where a quality one will.

Secondly, a low quality PSU will be made with cheap parts. When a PSU fails, it can either shut down (quality unit) or go up in a shower of sparks (junk unit). If the latter happens generally all of the parts inside the PC will be toast. I see this happen all the time.

Many times a week someone posts a thread abut a PSU that failed and took their entire system out with it.

NEVER EVER skimp on the PSU. It is 10000% the most important part of a PC.

A good analogy is tires on a car. If you buy cheap-o bargain tires, and then someone stomps the breaks in front of you in the rain, you will rear-end them and cause damage to or even total your car. In the same situation, but with good name brand tires on your car, you will be able to stop safely in the shorter distance and not crash.