final system build needs checking! please help!


Jul 3, 2014
first I would like to thank everyone who has helped me (mostly agera one and mickeyphoenix).

ok im making a computer and it needs checking that everything will work together (hardware and software).

parts list

intel 5 4690

thermaltake r21 case

WD 1TB 7200rpm blue

Kingston 60gb ssd

win/8.1 64 bit

gigabyte h97 gaming 3

gigabyte r9 280 OC 3gb (non 'x' version)

Kingston hyperX fury blue 2x4 gb ddr3 1600 MHz (theres other info on this if needed)

antec hcg-620m 620w high current gaming psu

coolermaster jetflo 120mm blue led

thermaltake black case fan 120mm

(please give me info on if the fan speed is changeable if the led light can be turned on or off and if the whole build will fit and work together).

THANKS please reply if you need more information!!!

What's your budget and primary use? Anything over $1K you should definitely overclock. And those Kingston SSDs are not that great - their only redeeming quality is the price. Pay a bit more and get yourself a Samsung 840 Evo or Crucial M550 - those are far superior drives.
i would recommend a slightly larger SSD as 60g will hold OS but very little else, (128GB most find optimal so you can put your favorite games in there) but everything in your system is compatible.
Nice build there. Few suggestions:

Better buy Samsung Evo 840 120GB or Crucial MX100 series for better performance.

Sapphire Vapor-X/Dual-X/Tri-X series cards are much better in cooling and overclocking the graphics cards. Gigabyte is a nice choice though.

Fan Query
If you want to control fans speed thru mobo then get 4-pin WPM fans and connect them on FAN headers on the mobo otherwise grab Fan Controller to control the fans manually by yourself.
Well thanks everyone for you help so quickly! So what everyone really is suggesting is that I get a better SSD and someone said about the fan control was very helpful. I will look into the feedback and reply late 2 morrow (its hard researching on an iPhone) THANKS
okay, so I have done a bit of research on the ssd and although there are better brands, the Kingston one is all I will really need. yes it will work more slowly but the extra loading speed for windows, java and other essential programs I think will be worth it (there is a $40 or so difference between them). as for the fans if I do have the right pin connector and connect them to the right spot, how can I control them?

and, which is better gigabyte r9 280 OC or msi radeon r9 280 twin frozr?
If going for Kingston then better grab HyperX SSD otherwise Samsung/Crucial is still recommended.

If your fans are 4-pin or PWM then you can control them using many softwares like SpeedFan or FanXpert from Asus. If your fans are three pin then you can't control them using software. In that case you would need Fan Controller which is device generally mounted on the 5.25" qtr bay in your PC Case:

another fast post :) will I need an asus mobo to use the fan xpert tech?

and, which is better gigabyte r9 280 OC or msi radeon r9 280 twin frozr?

I will reply again tomorrow, but I would also like to know if the psu will be enough. thanks

edit: and if there is a 4 pin connector to usb adapter (so I can plug an external fan into a usb slot and power it)?


ummm... I never said it didn't work, but wouldn't there be people from the future here now (unless you can only go forward in time and where not up to time travel yet)


edit: got it CoNsPiRaCy