finalizing my first build


Jan 27, 2015
Hey guys, after about 5 months of lurking on the forum, I finally decided to post the components for my build and get your opinions.

Heres my parts list from PCpartpicker:

First things first, this is a 3 monitor, AMD/Radeon build with the primary function of gaming. My two biggest concerns are noise and airflow (hence the DP1 and case fans)

Second, I'm set on an AMD CPU so please don't waste your time recommending an Intel processor, Iv used the i7-3770 in the past and I'm going with AMD as this is going to be mainly a gaming rig.

Next, I'm planing a dual boot with Linux, that's what the 60GB SSD is for.

And finally, 1000w power supply for when I crossfire another R9 290x (once the R9 390 comes out and the 290x price drops)

Let me know what you think. This is my first build, any advice/suggestions/critics are welcome. If there are any better/more cost effective components to use, let me know.
When crossfire, Its better to use reference GPU's, But im not sure where you will get one, So i would go for a dual slot card, Such as MSI or or XFX.

That's 900 watts (300 each) just for GPUs, for now I think a 2 way crossfire will be enough, but maybe in the future I could step up to 3
First off, don't triple you're gpu configuration, you will only gain about 15% more performance. I would swap the power supply to:Corsair 850W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply

Also the 8370 is just an over locked 8320, you are better of getting an 8320 and swapping the D14 to a D15 cooler, and overclock you're CPU.

And now, you will run into bottleneck, yes it's eight cores but it's 8 weak cores, but if you over lock to 4.5-5ghz you should be alright

Good luck

Thanks for the input,

The only reason I'm going for the 1000w is because my power consumption for a 2 way crossfire comes out to 863 watts. I prefer to go with a little bit more power than cut it too close and have to get a new PSU.

Also I am planning on some light overclocking for my CPU, 4.5ghz sounds reasonable. Is the D15 worth $30 more for the performance gain?

Thanks again

Perfect, ill add the D15 rather than the D14.

What about the GPUs, Im leaning towards the MSI lightning, my only hesitation is that it takes up 3 PCI slots, that's going to make crossfiring a bit tight and very hot. Any suggestions on that front? I'm considering at bottom intake fan but I have a feeling that will pull a lot more dust into the system.