Find model name of card? Motherboard


Feb 17, 2013
Hey. i have had some issues with my graphic card and when i sent it back to fix it since it refused to give picture they say it works fine and that there is some issue with my computer. So i am going to test with my friends mobo proccessor and rams to see if it works and also with his old motherboard i have and one his rams though my rams don't work in this motherboard to see if it is my motherboard that is causes the issues with my graphic card.

Now to the question my friend can't remember the name of this motherboard. and he has lost the cd aswell so we don't know the model name we only know it's an asus card. I did find that my proccessor should work as the card is AM3 and my proccessor is an AM3.
But i do need the name to find out form factor if it is ATX or Micro atx or some other form to see if i can put it in my case. I have been unable to see any of this information. i would also like to find the name of card so i could get drivers if everything works.

You have any way to see the model name of the card? I tried to take a picture to show the card maybe someone have had the same card and knew the name but my phone is to bad for that. you can see some red and black colors and a few shapes nothing that will show anything.

If you need any more information ask and ill do everything i can do give you the information.
I have found some more information. It is a Rog card (repuplic of gamers) and i found something that seems to be the model name when i google but can't find a picture that fits the card. N13219. I also found another number on the card being D33ØØ5

Sorry that i didn't make it clearer i know the graphic card model i was looking for motherboard model. sorry about that.
That is not the issue everything is the latest from 2010 (yes my mobo is really old asus m4a77) the issue has to be the age of the card. I know i need to upgrade but it is an issue of money. i can't afford to upgrade. If i am to buy a new mobo i need to also buy new rams a new proccessor. thats atleast 250$ and it's going to take about a year to get that cash.