finding extracted files/ non extracted files

Sep 11, 2018
So I work with alot of SVG and VECTOR files. Im usually in a rush while im looking for my files or have searched and searched for them. so my Question is. Is there a command prompt i could use so say i want to see all my files that have yet to be extracted? Also all the files that i have already extracted.

So, some application or script would have to search both your drive(s), and all your existing zip files, and look for duplicate file names.
A daunting, time consuming task.

"extracted" from what? A compressed, .rar...?
Or something else?

And being "in a rush" never works. It will take twice as long to fix things vs doing it right the first time.
Yes a zip file. And maybe not so much rushed but frustrated because in order to find the file i am looking for i have to open and extract the zip file and wait for the pop up that says this file already exsists. So thats the only way i know if its been still zipped or has been extracted

So, some application or script would have to search both your drive(s), and all your existing zip files, and look for duplicate file names.
A daunting, time consuming task.