Finding Windows 98SE OS cheap isn't that hard.


Jul 9, 2013
I have many old computers (usually with P3 processors) from flea markets and throwouts. Almost always they have a Win98SE product key on the side of the computer. Check with e-bay for a Win 98SE installation disk (w/o product key) that may sell for under $10. Since this operating system is before XP, it will install on almost any computer with one product key. But there will be compatibilty issues on later computers (i.e., finding drivers).
Mark K Philadelphia, PA
yea i think there would be a problem finding drivers. Most drivers i see online support XP or later. Also i would strongly recommend against windows 98 unless you are just messing around with it. Its not supported anymore so security is a problem. At least get windows xp, which is pretty cheap compared to windows 7 and 8
yea i think there would be a problem finding drivers. Most drivers i see online support XP or later. Also i would strongly recommend against windows 98 unless you are just messing around with it. Its not supported anymore so security is a problem. At least get windows xp, which is pretty cheap compared to windows 7 and 8