Question Fingerprint reader ?


Jun 25, 2016
For W11 Home user using a Desktop with cable connection.

Hi. I have seen that you may need to have a Windows 11 account to use fingerprint reader. I don't want an account as it is playing hell with me logging into websites. Google keeps asking me for a pin instead of just looking at the saved passwords.

Also would this also apply to facial recognition?
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what do you want to use fingerprint scanner for?

Well, the answer to that one is obvious. Visiting websites like banks and (these days) lots of websites that require a login like Amazon and eBay. I have a mobile phone. I open it with a finger print, I connect to my bank, Amazon and eBay simply by placing my finger on the phone. Simple :)

If I do not have to have an MSA then that would be helpfull. I can not log onto some of these websites because of MSA. I keep getting google pop up whanting my PIN and getting things wrong. Problem is if I use the same email address on more than one website it gets it's knickers in a twist. I have to have lots of email address's. I want to get back to what I had in W10 and before where the boxes where simply completed for me. Having a fingerprint reader makes it easyer. If someone else got to my computer (like a child) they could log into eBay and buy a ferrari (This happend to one family in 208) and made the news. Fingerprint would avoid all this.
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