Finished Gaming PC build for Christmas. Every thing is fine but there is strange noise coming from it.


Dec 24, 2015
While the HDD LED flashes as normal, it produces a very annoying sound. I have tried to unplug the LED cable from the motherboard but the noise continues. Any ideas to what it may be and how I can solve it?

I'm not too sure. It seems to be coming from the front of the PC and the only things there are the LED and the HDD at the bottom of the case, so it's probably from coming from the hard drive (WD 1TB Blue).

I did as you said. There is no noise without the SATA cables connected to the hard drive so the noise is in fact coming from the HDD. How should I proceed?
How old is the computer? Hard drives meet their deaths typically quicker than other PC components, so I would back up all your important files onto an external drive, and when you get the time you're going to either have to replace the hard drive or live with the noise until it fully dies and starts getting destroyed data sectors.

I got the hard drive delivered yesterday and built my PC today. So I'm guessing that either I did something wrong or it's a manufacturing problem?
All hard drives make a tiny bit of noise, but yeah if it's making loud annoying noises I'd send it back.

Another thing to make sure is that the hard drive is not rattling in place. Hard drives have physical disks spinning, so if it's not screwed in securely and can rattle that can be a problem. Screws shouldn't be tightened overly hard either.