I have just finished my first gaming rig and everything seems to be running fine. There is one vital problem though. No video is being displayed on the monitor. I've made sure everything is plugged in right and yet nothing happens. My build is here: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/ZeptoHaze/saved/kDBxFT
I believe that the monitor is the problem. This monitor was plugged into a surge protector when a power surge came through. but now it only turns on for half a second then shuts off and auto reboots. So I went to my parents and got the monitor that I used as a kid. that thing is old though. probs a 2004 monitor. And when I tried using that monitor, it just displayed no signal on the monitor. Any suggestions?
I believe that the monitor is the problem. This monitor was plugged into a surge protector when a power surge came through. but now it only turns on for half a second then shuts off and auto reboots. So I went to my parents and got the monitor that I used as a kid. that thing is old though. probs a 2004 monitor. And when I tried using that monitor, it just displayed no signal on the monitor. Any suggestions?