News Finnish investigators discover anchor drag marks of “almost a hundred kilometers” in undersea cable damage case — anchor is allegedly missing from...

ngl should really re-think how they lay new cables if same tactic is used because its effective.
Yeah, but laying cables is already complicated and expensive. If they have to bury cables to make them resistant to anchor drags, that would probably be way too expensive, if it were even practical. Plus, it doesn't help the hundreds or thousands of cables that've already been deployed.

Furthermore, if cables somehow stop being a soft target, then focus could just turn to something else. So, I agree some thought should be given to what reasonable measures can be taken, but this is just one of those hard problems. Sometimes, the best defense is a good deterrent.
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To counteract the inertia of a 10,000 ton ship, that would be a HUGE pipe.
Deflect, not counteract. Different principles.
You're thinking of blocking.

I'm thinking of sloped armor to make the anchor go around the path.

If that requires staking the partial pipe into the sea bed, it might work.
Only testing will find out
Deflect, not counteract. Different principles.
You're thinking of blocking.

I'm thinking of sloped armor to make the anchor go around the path.

If that requires staking the partial pipe into the sea bed, it might work.
Only testing will find out
By design, anchors aren't made to bounce over an object but rather to dig into the seafloor so that the anchor chain lying on the sea floor is able to provide resistance to the boat moving.
Sloped armor would be useful but only if the cable was large enough so that the anchor doesn't have sufficient leverage on the cable to move/damage it.
But then it just becomes an ... anchor race? as bad actors develop larger and more sophisticated anchors to damage the cable.
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Yeah, but laying cables is already complicated and expensive. If they have to bury cables to make them resistant to anchor drags, that would probably be way too expensive, if it were even practical. Plus, it doesn't help the hundreds or thousands of cables that've already been deployed.

Furthermore, if cables somehow stop being a soft target, then focus could just turn to something else. So, I agree some thought should be given to what reasonable measures can be taken, but this is just one of those hard problems. Sometimes, the best defense is a good deterrent.
Apparently a number of the cables are already buried. The previous incident had many cables very tightly packed and the likely reason more weren't snagged was due to some being buried. But yeah will add expense to bury everything.

Wonder if you can retroactively bury? seems like it might be pretty hard given crisscrossing over time.
By design, anchors aren't made to bounce over an object but rather to dig into the seafloor so that the anchor chain lying on the sea floor is able to provide resistance to the boat moving.
Sloped armor would be useful but only if the cable was large enough so that the anchor doesn't have sufficient leverage on the cable to move/damage it.
But then it just becomes an ... anchor race? as bad actors develop larger and more sophisticated anchors to damage the cable.
Yup, exactly. But what else can you do?

Bury cables + pipe armor + staked pipe into sea floor + cover pipe with sea floor dirt?
Reading some of the comments here about digging and burying the cables made me realize that, I didn't know seafloor was as hard like the Earth's surface or some sort of road built with concrete. 🤔