Fire Child, Old AOL game, Trying to find out where I can play it

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Mar 28, 2020
I probably played this game back in 2006-8 but maybe later. It was called something like child of (something) or (something) child. and you played as this girl/boy in this red suit that gives you powers, and it was a first person shooter, I don't know if there was any story to it, but I do know that it had multiplayer function. It was sci-fi kinda, and there's also like a 2d side scroller flash game that was made that was very similar to it. I think the enemies were these bug like creatures. If anybody knows anything it'd be a great help
I've found it!!! It's called FireChild, by sarbakan, if anybody knows where I can find a download of this old aol game I'll give you a kiss.
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