Fired iOS Chief "Got What He Deserved", Says Ex-Apple Exec

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Fire Tim Cook for rushing these guys. Apple should learn that big projects take time. A project of this size isn't one that takes one week like resizing of the iPad did.

Fire Scott Forstall for not saying it wasn't ready, then refusing to take responsibly. Oh wait. They did.

How is someone who worked at apple saying he's glad a guy who tried to copy jobs asshatery, down to his clothes, news? That's like standing in a blizzard and saying "it's cold"
[citation][nom]unksol[/nom]Fire Scott Forstall for not saying it wasn't ready, then refusing to take responsibly. Oh wait. They did.How is someone who worked at apple saying he's glad a guy who tried to copy jobs asshatery, down to his clothes, news? That's like standing in a blizzard and saying "it's cold"[/citation]
Ultimately you could say Forstall was responsible and should have apologized to the customers...
However people don't know all the facts.

As the primary lead for the iOS platform, you would have to assume that part of Forstall's regular duties were to report all progress to the CEO. If he told Tim Cook the Maps app wasn't ready but was pressured to have it included in the next iteration of iOS, its not his fault and its the CEO's fault.

If Forstall knew the Maps app had issues and didn't inform his superiors, that is completely different that knowing and reporting the issues and being responsible to publicly apologizing later on.

From the reports I've read, I could argue there was in fact internal disagreements between upper management...likely Forstall confronted others to say it wasn't ready and everyone thought otherwise (thus causing the internal tension) and firing for not publicly apologizing. In my opinion, he does seem like the scapegoat so Apple can continue to deflect criticism.

Apple has a knack for brushing off this to improve their public image (Maps, attenagate etc).
[citation][nom]unksol[/nom]How is someone who worked at apple saying he's glad a guy who tried to copy jobs asshatery, down to his clothes, news? That's like standing in a blizzard and saying "it's cold"[/citation]
Its by Zak, so of course its not a newsworthy story.
Apple sucks I really don't like their business practices as they are just like M$. Not saying their tech suks I havent bought an Apple product for a number of reasons other than personal choice. I feel thier products & business practices are too restirictive and don't allow me the freedom from Hardware to Software. Apple makes you do it their way ONLY if they can make a few $$ of ya. Just my .02.
Jobs' boys all knew what they were doing from way back, firing them will lead to Timmy's demise. Unfortunately the only thing Timmy shared with Jobs was his narcissism. Jobs either left Timmy in charge to show the world that only he(Jobs) could handle aapl, or simply poor judgement falling for Timmy's act.
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