[citation][nom]spectrewind[/nom]No, or rather yes if you want to block a site. The ML in HTML5 means markup language.With Flash, you have a posted file and possible external actionscript (ascii) file embedded within the HTML markup language. .SWF files.There seems to no end to those confusing Flash with HTML. Some of end-user viewable capabilities cross back and forth into being redundant, like embedded video, sound, & scripting.The platforms nest one (Flash and the .SWF file) within the other, HTML5 tags that comprise the web page.// Digress here...Flash sites from several (10+) years ago, like , , and (just some random ones that come to mind) made flash stand out for what Macromedia wanted it to be before Adobe ruined it.These were not the crappy ads sprayed into website to annoy you.These were genuine multimedia sites and experiences with catching intros and effects. More art than business and ad revenue generators.I tried to insert some URLs. Maybe they will work.[/citation]
i remember full site flash pages... those were fun on dialup.
see this is how it went for me.
im on a pII 333
internets fine... till anything flash pops up. have to make it low detail to even manages to make it playable.
but the fun part, i had a 56k line at the time, so anything over 1mb was a chore to deal with.
but than came the cable modem.
but by that time, everything eclipsed the pII by so much that really all it was good for was getting pictures and some video
and than cue my p4 system,
flash isnt painfull yet, but its also more about ads.
now, my current quad core phenom 955, anything flash can be handled easily, but the problem is that nothign uses it any more out side of rare exceptions, and i don't consider video players in flash flash.
i have a blanket block of everything flash, and i ok every website my self.
thats how the internet is for me now.
but with html 5 i could see it being a hell of alot harder to block, and if it is, what is the first way it will be abused?
who will continue useing un optomized html5 code long after they could make a revision?
i know ads are everywhere, but flash ones are so offensive that i made a list of companies that use them and i refuse to support them anymore. granted ad blocker and flash blocker came shortly after the lists inception, so not much got added, but most american car companies, and a few japanese, and i believe bmw, i would need to get the list out to be sure, but i will never buy their cars.