Firewall/ piggy backed router.


Oct 29, 2016
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but this is one of those out there questions.

So I have discovered hidden cameras in my house and have "fixed" that issue with the help of linux and an addition wifi adapter (two different secure networks). Anyway the same person who installed those cameras has access to both networks at my house, this is the layout

Fios in to Fios router to a linksys router via cat6, this is the network that is (or was) secure.

Also connected to the fios router is everything else in my house.

So my question is can I connect to the fios network with an old pc setup like a firewall, then output that signal to a router of my own with a hard-line (or just hard-line everything). I mean I know I can do it, but how much of a bottle neck is that going to be even with a stupid fast network card in the firewall pc. we get about 50MB/s down and 40-45 up.

The reason why I don't want to run a cable from the new router to the fios is because I want all of this secure in my room where people don't have physical access to it. I know you can just unplug the fios, but that shuts down all networks.

Thanks a lot
I'm not some kid trying to screw over my parents. I'm 22 and my parents are getting a divorce and I live at home (all three of us in the same house). I am also an engineering student in college so I need the internet. I can't be in the middle of their pissing contest over who controls the internet.
Everything that eventually flows through the FIOS router can be seen by whomever controls the FIOS router.

Verizon->ONT->FIOS router-> your router....this is how you wish to set things up?
Whatever comes out of your router and through the FIOS router can be seen by whomever controls the FIOS router.

The ONT box (in the garage?) will only talk to one router. Either the FIOS router, or yours.
Anything daisy chained after the FIOS router can be turned off from the FIOS router.
Everything that eventually flows through the FIOS router can be seen by whomever controls the FIOS router.

Verizon->ONT->FIOS router-> your router....this is how you wish to set things up?
Whatever comes out of your router and through the FIOS router can be seen by whomever controls the FIOS router.

The ONT box (in the garage?) will only talk to one router. Either the FIOS router, or yours.
Anything daisy chained after the FIOS router can be turned off from the FIOS router.