First Batch Of StarVR HMDs Are On Their Way To IMAX

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all I can think about is hygiene after others have strapped that thing to their head. I don't think having a box of wet-wipes available will do the trick

That's no worse than the shared helmets at a go-cart place. Some people will find it totally unacceptable, fearing lice and other critters, others will be OK with it.
I'd buy a premium HMD if it supported room-scale Vive games on Steam, but I'd be more interested in increasing the resolution to the point where visible sub-pixels are no longer a distraction, rather than going for a wider FOV. The Vive FOV is already very immersive, but the visible sub-pixels make the display look pretty bad when you're not distracted by a fast-paced game. Don't get me wrong, it's the coolest gaming and exercise device ever, but this is just the beginning for VR, and there's a lot of room for improvement.
I'd love to know how much these VR experiences are going to cost. At that resolution, they're probably using GTX 1080-equipped PCs. Without knowing the price of these HMDs, I figure the total hardware cost per user must be at least $2.5k.

Anyway, it's a good move for StarVR. They don't have to compete with Vive's freedom of movement or Rift's price tag. And this gets them some PR, and might drive demand from a few price-insensitive buyers who are impressed by the experience.

From IMAX's perspective, one benefit of a VR experience (as compared with a film) is that you could vary it a bit, each time. Give people more reasons to come back. On the down side, I'm guessing they'll be targeting collective experiences, without much interactivity.

I don't know about you, but the few karting places I've gone had clean head socks to use. I prefer to bring my own helmet, though.
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