You repeatedly state that the 11950H beats the 1185G7 in both single and multi thread but your own chart shows the 1185G7 having a much higher single core performance and only slightly less in multi core. I mean it scores almost exactly the same as 10885H in single while losing massively to it in multi-core. Are your numbers for the 11950H wrong or is the whole tone of the article wrong? or am I just being stupid?
Houston, we have a problem...this article needs correcting since it states the new 11950H beats the 1185G7 in single core scores yet the table shows...
The Geekbench source does indeed confirm.
I wouldn't be too quick to rule out this as yet another example of Intel's Influence™
I feel Intel is running out of runway when it comes to thermal issues with their 10nm. Their SuperFin = pushing 10nm hard with more power, don't seem to be working well in the mobile market. "Certain lifestyle company's" product still appears to be beating them left right center.
And I agree with the rest, the numbers shown don't match up with the commentary.