First Boot: PC doesn't do anything. Something with the CPU?


Feb 17, 2017
Can someone help me? I have built a computer (First time) and when I try to start it nothing happens. I double checked all the connections. I took everything out and built it again on the Motherboard box. On the Debug the CPU led lights up white for a split second. I tried reinstalling the CPU, and again the same problem. This is my first time building a PC so I just think I am doing something wrong.
When I got the CPU in the mail, the box was a bit damaged. I'm not sure if the CPU is damaged or not. All the pins look good, and the CPU exterior is in good condition. I don't think anything is wrong with the Motherboard as the Debug is working. The fans do not move at all. The lights on one fan flash for a split second then go off, in unison with the CPU led on the debug. All my parts have no visible cracks or breaks.

If someone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

My Parts:
Intel Pentium G4560
MSI PRO-VD B250 Motherboard
Kingston FURY 8GB DDR4- 2400
GTX 1050 Mini 2GB
EVGA 450W 80+ Bronze'
1TB Western Digital HD 7200RPM

I have, and plugged it in and out many times. I don't think that's the problem. Thank you for your help. Any other ideas?

I have done everything in this list. Thanks for your help. I'll see if I can fix it.

Long shot but try and pull your video card and run off your onboard graphics card...


Same thing. ;(
And there's absolutely no dust in the cpu socket, you've tried the RAM in each slot, you've reset the CMOS etc?

If so, i'd warrant a guess at it being RMA time for the motherboard.

But i'd wait for confirmation from others.

Thanks for your help. Should I return the Motherboard or the CPU? The motherboard Debug lights up CPU.

Still nothing. Fans still wont move and nothing is happening. Same light.

I'm not familiar with this Debug light... if the LED is lit does that mean the CPU is present and good or bad?

If it's lit, 95.67 percent sure it means the part is bad.
Same thing..


Pretty sure it means something is wrong with the cpu
That's unlucky man. Contact the seller, if you took any photos of the damaged box, or still have the box, use that as well, but either way a dead processor is a dead processor.

Sometimes it just happens, it's rare, but sometimes things are just DOA.