First boot, screen doesn't turn on


Jun 26, 2011
Ok so yesterday I bought all new parts for an entirely new system I am building for my parents. I put everything together, and checked all the connections and standoffs twice, and when I turned in on, the screen did not turn on. I tried with 4 different screens. Any ideas?


16gb corsair vengeance
tx 650 watt psu
intel dp67bg mobo
xfx 6450
ocz vertex 3 120gb ssd
wd caviar black 500gb hdd
corsair 400d case
h70 water cooling
Does everything else come on and do you hear any beeps at post (at least one)? If so, have you tried different cables for the monitor connections such as VGA and DVI. I have seen that this particular board does not utilitze DVI-A cables so make sure it is a true digital cable if your using DVI

DVI-A connector
Everything else turns on, the fans, lights, water pump, hard drives, disk drive, and the LED skull on the motherboard, but there are no POST beeps from the built in speaker. I've tried both VGA and DVI
You're plugging the monitor into the GPU instead of the motherboard, right? Or have you tried both the motherboard and GPU video outputs? One or the other should work out of the box, and there are usually options in the BIOS to enable/disable one or the other.
The motherboard model doesn't have integrated graphics.

Try this, unplug the power cord from the PSU. Reset the CMOS jumper by shorting it out with a screwdriver. Then, take the battery out of the motherboard and press the power button on the case. This will do a hard reset and drain the capacitors. Put the battery back in (with no RAM) and see if you get any beeps. Double check the PC speaker and make sure the you have it connected the right way (there should be a little triangle on the connecter which is ground).
plastic plate on back is good.if not they have to ship a rubber spacer with it that a lot of people forget to use.
looking online the mb has to have bios 1569 to post. i would email intel see if they can tell by the date code of the mb what bios is on the board. the last thing to check...bent pins under the cpu.
[😛anicmaster85:2] hey just wanted to let you know its your ram so if you want to keep trouble shooting problems that wont help then go ahead but if you really want to fix it then try and get another set of ram you can put in your machine to test it or just try the other busses or slots
Yea it is definitely the board. I just tested the GPU, and the CPU in my other computer and both of them work. I'll see if I can just get it exchanged at the TigerDirect store where I bought it...RMA would take too long. Its supposed to be a christmas gift -.-