AMD Phenom II 710, xigmatek HDT-S1283 cpu cooler, mushkin DDR3 1600 RAM(2x2 GB model 996601), radeon 4850 x2, silverstone 700W power. the board requires an overclock to get up to 1666 out of the ram. I ran everything on auto, set the ram to 8x (1600), upped the voltage to 1.9, set timings to stock for the ram (7-7-6-18). They have to be in slots 3 and 4 cause of the cpu cooler (HUGE). Prime95 freezes the computer after about 10 mins, ram feels warm. With RAM set to 1333, its stable. But thats not what i paid for. Any ideas on a proper bios setup? I thought i had it right! Thanx in advance....