Hi everyone, this is my first post here but I've been using the site a lot to decide on components and just how to build in general. I've had the i7 sitting around since last year's intel summer deal (I know, such a waste on my part) and I really need to just get myself over the hump and build this thing! I think part of me is scared off since I've never done something like this before, but I almost have all the components and am ready to get started. Anyways, enough with the intro, I have a couple questions on ways to finish off my build that I'd like to get your advice on. Here are the components I have so far:
Intel i7-3930k
Intel 520 series 180 GB ssd
Will also buy a standard HD but that can be done later
Asus x79 Sabertooth (Have not purchased this yet but after reading these forums I think it is the best board for what I'm trying to do).
XFX P1850BNLG9 Pro Series XXX Edition ATX Semi-Modular Power Supply - 850W
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (Not OC'ing so I don't think I need liquid)
Corsair 400r (a little small but I was able to get it for free so can't complain)
Windows 7 Home Premium (limits my RAM but it was also free...)
Generic optical drive
So my main question is about graphics cards. I just have no clue where to begin. I was thinking of spending around $200-$250 on the card because it sounds like when you spend in the $300-$500 range you start getting diminishing returns for your money. On the other hand, I also don't want to have my GPU be the bottleneck on my system because I'd like to be able to play games on high settings for the next year or two (I've always had mid-tier laptops/desktops so this would be a treat for me. I feel like I haven't gotten the full PC gaming experience yet.). If you guys have any recommendations on specific cards for my system or how much I should spend I'd really appreciate it! The other main thing I need is RAM. I've been looking at Corsair RAM, but if you guys have any other brands or specific types you could recommend that'd also be great. Also, should I even be buying a sound card, and how much should I really be spending on a networking card? I know these are a lot of questions, so whatever info you could provide would be much appreciated, don't feel like you have to answer everything! I am still pretty new at this, but this forum has taught me a ton so far.
Intel i7-3930k
Intel 520 series 180 GB ssd
Will also buy a standard HD but that can be done later
Asus x79 Sabertooth (Have not purchased this yet but after reading these forums I think it is the best board for what I'm trying to do).
XFX P1850BNLG9 Pro Series XXX Edition ATX Semi-Modular Power Supply - 850W
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (Not OC'ing so I don't think I need liquid)
Corsair 400r (a little small but I was able to get it for free so can't complain)
Windows 7 Home Premium (limits my RAM but it was also free...)
Generic optical drive
So my main question is about graphics cards. I just have no clue where to begin. I was thinking of spending around $200-$250 on the card because it sounds like when you spend in the $300-$500 range you start getting diminishing returns for your money. On the other hand, I also don't want to have my GPU be the bottleneck on my system because I'd like to be able to play games on high settings for the next year or two (I've always had mid-tier laptops/desktops so this would be a treat for me. I feel like I haven't gotten the full PC gaming experience yet.). If you guys have any recommendations on specific cards for my system or how much I should spend I'd really appreciate it! The other main thing I need is RAM. I've been looking at Corsair RAM, but if you guys have any other brands or specific types you could recommend that'd also be great. Also, should I even be buying a sound card, and how much should I really be spending on a networking card? I know these are a lot of questions, so whatever info you could provide would be much appreciated, don't feel like you have to answer everything! I am still pretty new at this, but this forum has taught me a ton so far.