First build, first time pc gaming attempt, $1000 gaming/streaming computer


May 18, 2013
I need a $1000 computer with the main focuses for games and streaming (streaming my console games primarily with a separate mic and camera and then pc games eventually) them as well. Then I would use it also for rendering video and school stuff like dreamweaver and photoshop. I do not need a capture card (I have the hdpvr2 ge plus), mouse, keyboard, monitors, speakers, or SSD. I could add an ssd if there is room in the budget. I need everything including the Operating system, thermal paste (do i need to buy this separately), and potential I need a sound card? (I have a pair of astro a40s and would like to get the full power out of those if possible). I prefer nvidia and intel, but if for some reason amd is better now for the price then by all means go ahead and recommend. I want the ability to overclock in the future and want to have the proper cooling for that right from the start and to be able to upgrade parts. My room gets stupid hot/humid in the summer. I want to be able to play games like Battlefield 4, Titanfall, Skyrim, Starcraft II, LoL at ultra 1080p 60fps or higher if possible. I know those games are a lot different performance wise, but just to give you an idea. I am really noob when it comes to computer specs and numbers, so I wouldn't really know what to pick myself, so please help/explain as best you can. Also I could go like $200 more if need be. And I live in the U.S.

Hey there, if you are focused on a gaming machine my recommendation would be something like this:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($199.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty Z87 Killer ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($124.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($72.25 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.67 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 4GB Video Card ($389.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Corsair Carbide Series 300R Windowed ATX Mid Tower Case ($89.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($113.77 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: LG GH24NSB0 DVD/CD Writer ($15.99 @ TigerDirect)
Total: $1096.63
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-01-23 09:31 EST-0500)

With $1000 budget, its almost impossible to fit 4770K and 16gb memories for your rendering purposes, however you need a gaming machine mostly, and I believe those pro tasks are for your school and they shouldnt be so heavy weighted tasks thus, this machine would be more than enough for all your needs.
In addition I dont believe that a dedicated soundcard makes too much difference anyways, these motherboards provide more than enough what you need for sound.
All those games you wanted above would run buttery smooth on a 1080p@60hz monitor.

have fun.
Here you go man, not gonna beat this build for around 1000. All top quality components, it'll run quiet and powerful while being small, easily transported/ fit most places if need be.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($194.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: Asus H87I-PLUS Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard ($109.99 @ NCIX US)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($84.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($64.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 770 2GB Video Card ($330.98 @ Newegg)
Case: BitFenix Prodigy (Black) Mini ITX Tower Case ($69.99 @ TigerDirect)
Power Supply: Corsair RM 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($109.98 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer ($16.98 @ OutletPC)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 - OEM (64-bit) ($94.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1062.87
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-01-23 09:41 EST-0500)

Even at this budget an i7 is not practical or the best way to go? How much more for 4770k and 16gb ram? Do I need to buy any tools or thermal paste? Is this an appropriate monitor? Also how long would your recommended build last? I am not really looking to upgrade for at least 3 years. I have never built a PC before, to be honest this would be the first desktop since a Pentium 4 back in like 2003 or something so sorry for all the questions.
You can try on APU A10 with cross fire.....
It is much cheaper than the build above although the processor itself doesn't do very well in hyperthreading.....

Still it is a considerable item if you are on budget
i7 and 16gb of ram is overkill for your needs, photoshop doesn't take much power, and i7 16gb will hardly offer you any performance gains in games over an i5 and 8gb. Thermal paste is not needed, it comes on the cpu, as far as tools go all that is needed is a regular screw driver, don't be intimidated it's like building with Legos except more expensive, and as far as a monitor goes, this is a better choice,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&precache=1 it has an ips panel which will give you more accurate colors and better viewing angles.

I am not looking to crossfire. I am mostly unfamiliar with hyperthreading. I am not really looking to tweek processor settings in detail, if that's even how hyperthreading works. Anything should be faster than this old macbook pro I am using now. Thanks for the input though.

Is their an asus equivalent? I have never used a viewsonic monitor. Also if I overclock do I need additional cooling other than the hyper 212 evo?,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&precache=1 asus equivalent and the hyper evo will take care of cooling just fine if you decide to overclock. (Which I think is pointless) it's more of a hobby thing, offers negligible gains when a stock i5 is already kick ass enough. Gpu overclocking is a different story.

Where does it say refresh rate, is this a 60 hz monitor? I notice this asus one is 5ms response time which is kind of a bummer. How will HDCP affect streaming, i have an hdmi/dvi converter box but if i stream to the ps4 to this potential pc would i need another one? Also is there a recommended pre overclocked gpu I can buy for my build/price range? Also do I need to buy a separate wired and wireless networking devices?

The build I posted, the asus gtx 770 direct cuii overclocks like a champ and it stays cool and quiet. The monitor is 60hz and that's the sacrifice you make with ips panels, slightly higher response time, but will you notice? I really really doubt it, plus your getting a much nicer looking screen then the regular ones, so do you want your games to look better or respond a teeny bit faster? If your coming from a HDTV that 5ms will be a world of difference anyway, the average tv puts out 30ms + input lag. And I'm not sure about streaming, that's something I havnt delved into. But isn't that one of the ps4 features? It allows you to stream and upload right from the console?

The built in streaming on the ps4 is average quality, it fluctuates greatly. So do I need to purchase a wireless card for wifi and a wired one for potential wired connection?


for gaming purposes i7 isnt much different than a similar i5, in this case i5-4670k and i7-4770k provide the same gaming performance. But, i7 would actually make a difference when it comes to professional rendering. Because rendering tasks use all the cores and threads that they can (if they are optimized to use the cores ofcourse, which means it is also dependent on the software you use)

16gb ram goes the same, there is absolutely no need unless you are heavily editing videos or 3D stuff. 8GB is more than enough in any gaming build.
In my build, which I posted for you above, I use similar hardware and neither the cpu or the memories are used up to their potentials. Cpu usage is like 60% in heavy gaming and usually 3-5GB memory are in use in the same case (on a win7/8 machine)

So, in my opinion there is absolutely no need for you to invest in those items.

The monitor is a top choice btw, I wouldnt recommend anything else.
But also you can check these monitors in the list I post below (depending on your budget ofc),2380,2360,2350,2300&t=1,2&r=192001080&b=400,390,380,375,370,360,350,340,320,300