First build thinking about using colored ties - is that gaudy?


Aug 10, 2016
Hi, this will be my first build and im thinking about getting some black pull ties, and then some red and blue ties to go with my decor. Is that tacky, has anyone ever played around with this?

my thought is that black would blend in with the wiring and the inside of the case but if i alternated or had some kind of global pattern with black, blue, and red it would go with my red, blue leds and black case.

I just dont want to do this if the end result is not clean looking and ugly. I have not seen this in other cases as of yet so thats why im wondering is this a noob idea and not something i should be doing?

The big thing now is individually sleeved wires, not just the whole cable. You can buy kits already available for modular power supplies or make your own.

Look up "sleeved cables power supplies" in google and look at the images. People sleeve each individual wire that is a custom length so no slack exist in the case. If you want a really clean look this is it. You can play with any color scheme.

All you need is some connectors, crimp pins, a crimper, wire, sleeving and time. The material is easy to come by online with PC modding stores. A good material to use is paracord 550. You can even burn the ends of the sleeving so no heatshrink is required.

If this is too much effort you can buy premade cables and places like Newegg sells them.