First build, which mboard and OS


Nov 7, 2006
The only thing I have left to buy is the memory, mboard and OS.

My first question is which mboard to get? I definitly want the 680I but which one considering the probs people are having: Evga 680, the asus p5n32sli-e (680), or wait for the new asus p5n32slie PLUS?

Second question is which version of vista ( I would rather deal with a few driver issues now rather than get a whole new OS in a year): 32 bit or 64 bit?
I definitly want the 680I but which one considering the probs people are having: Evga 680, the asus p5n32sli-e (680), or wait for the new asus p5n32slie PLUS?

It's new technology, there is bound to be problems. I think there are less problems than when they came out.

Second Vista isn't out yet, not sure if you can still get XP with a free upgrade to Vista anymore, you're gonna have to ask someone else about that (or post in the software section :) )
Newegg has vista 32 up now.

The new asus 680 plus isnt due for release till 5 feb, not sure if i should wait or just get the current 680.