First G-Sync 144Hz Monitor, but games will bounce between 60-140FPS, how can I keep it solid?


Aug 27, 2009
I'm using an Asus Swift PG279 1440p monitor with a GTX 1080 Ti through a display port, also running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Ryzen 7 1800X and 32 GB RAM. FPS in games bounce from 60-140 even with very low settings, CPU and GPU monitors don't show any bottlenecks (both are under 40% during heavy explosive gameplay) but maybe I'm missing something. I have tried turning off G-Sync and Vsync and just setting the monitor to a flat 144Hz but it looks and acts the exact same.

In Nvidia Control Panel I've enabled the performance option for power management, and set performance mode for my main display only. Both global and 3D settings for specific games are set to G-Sync, and I've tried just leaving vertical sync off to run the game uncapped, but still bouncing from 60-140. Why would it not use more video card to pull higher fps if the game options are set to uncapped? I don't even know if this is specifically a monitor problem, but hopefully somebody can give me insight. Thank you very much for your time.
Um, remember movies? 24 FPS. Legacy TV 30 FPS (in the US, 50 FPS in Europe and you could tell the difference. Benchmarks can measure FPS but I challenge you to find real eyes that can tell a difference.
Um, remember movies? 24 FPS. Legacy TV 30 FPS (in the US, 50 FPS in Europe and you could tell the difference. Benchmarks can measure FPS but I challenge you to find real eyes that can tell a difference.

140 fps is OBJECTIVELY better then 60 fps

just like 1080p is OBJECTIVELY better than 320p


Hey, old question here but I had some weird issues before. What graphics card are you using? If GTX, then go to the control panel and check to see if you have vertical sync set to Fast. It drops all extra frames caused from an overflow from the graphics card.